Risultati per 'Electrostatic pigeons control system':

Di seguito l'elenco dei risultati di ricerca trovati rilevanti per la keyword 'Electrostatic pigeons control system':

Risultati maggiormente rilevanti:

 electrostatic pigeons control system - ettoregalliani.it
Il Sistema Elettrostatico brevettato “Ettore Galliani” si basa sulla distribuzione di impulsi elettrostatici mediante l’installazione di molteplici settori di impianto attivo a protezione di tutti gli elementi architettonici e strutturali sui quali stazionano abitualmente i piccioni. Un particolare Sistema altamente tecnologico, specializzato e in continuo miglioramento, ha reso ...

 electrostatic systems for pigeon deterrence
The Electrostatic System "Ettore Galliani" is based on the distribution of electrostatic impulses through the installation of multiple active sectors to protect all architectural and structural elements where pigeons commonly perch. A particularly highly technological system, specialized and continuously improving, has made it possible in recent years to apply the same concept for seagull ...

 electrostatic bird deterrent | bologna | filomat
Pigeon and bird control. Electrostatic deterrents to repel birds. Filomat is a Bolognese company specialising in the sale of bird deterrents. In addition to mechanical deterrents, the company is a leader in the market for the production and sale of electrostatic deterrents for pigeons.

Altri risultati:

 control system: electrostatic pigeons control system | centrifugal oil ...
An Access Control System can be as simple or as complicated as you wish but in :: Domain Name System Domain Name System From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Domain names) Jump to: navigation, search It has been suggested that Domain name be merged into this article or section.

 electric bird deterrent | avishock system bird scarers | pigeons ...
AVISHOCK™. is a minimum visibility, tactile electric bird scarer system. It uses a small electrostatic pulse to scare birds away from unwanted areas. Essentially, this product comprises of 6mm high PVC strips containing 2 x 5mm stainless steel braids which are 15mm apart.

 electrostatic pigeons control system: - libero community
electrostatic field, the navigational aid furnished homing pigeon by the earth's magnetic It would demonstrate characteristics of a control system, electrostatic pigeons control system - ettore galliani Electrostatic pigeons control system new high tech system high fit on architectonichal elements easy to pose minimum maintenance Ettore Galliani is proud to present its new system.

 electrostatic system: electrostatic air filtration system ...
PIGEONS REPELLING SYSTEM - ETTORE GALLIANI Ettore Galliani Impianti Elettrostatici has developed the Electrostatic Pigeon Control System which solves the problems related with pigeons, doves and birds in general. Our electrostatic systems ensure protection against birds landing on renovated ...

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